
Company News

Gem product update: April 2023

Sarah Koo

Sarah Koo

Head of Product

Posted on

April 3, 2023

We’ve been hard at work this past month improving our platform to make Gem even more valuable for you. We hope you enjoy these updates as much as we do!

Here’s a quick summary:

  • Accelerate the talent search process with Gem's intelligent talent discovery and search

  • Application Review for Workday and SuccessFactors

  • Automated email sharing for Talent Compass and Talent Pipeline

  • Gem and GoodTime partnership

As always, chat with us in Gem to learn more, ask questions, or share feedback.

Get more qualified candidates in your pipeline, faster

Searching across multiple sites and sources to find great candidates can take hours, and even then, some of those candidates may not even be interested. This can leave you feeling frustrated and exhausted. With Gem's intelligent talent discovery and search, you can identify qualified talent that is "likely to move" so you can send the right message to the right candidate at exactly the right time. Find out how.

Likely to Move

Manage inbound applications faster with Application Review (now also available for Workday and SuccessFactors!)

Stop spending hours scanning through hundreds of unqualified resumes. Streamline the process with fewer clicks and open tabs to find the needle in your haystack of resumes, all at record speed.

Take advantage of our newest improvement and message your candidates with templated responses and sequences that include custom tokens for added personalization.

Application Review Keywords

Automatically keep your business partners informed on the latest pipelines and metrics

Set up automated email sharing of Talent Compass and Talent Pipeline reports so you can proactively keep your business partners in the loop on all things recruiting.

In Case You Missed It

Reduce spend with insights on your cost per hire and cost per application

Make data-informed budget decisions based on the channels that deliver the most applications and hires per dollar spent. Learn more about the Source Channel ROI Calculator.

Create a better candidate experience with our new GoodTime partnership

Automate the scheduling process and reduce the back-and-forth emails when sourcing prospective candidates with the GoodTime Meet Integration. Gem automatically pauses sequences containing GoodTime Meet scheduling links after candidates book time - no need to keep track of which sequences to manually pause. Learn more about our partnership.

Thanks for reading, and hope to hear from you soon!

Gem Team


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