
Company News

Gem product update: September 2021

Sarah Koo

Sarah Koo

Head of Product

Posted on

October 6, 2021

Welcome to our monthly product update!

Thank you all for the outpouring of support in response to our fundraise announcement last week! We're thrilled to partner with such great investors, and excited for what this will do for our momentum and growth.

But above all, we want to give a huge thanks to you: we owe everything to each of our 800+ customers, for making our jobs so rewarding, easy, and most of all, fun.

So many of you have hit major milestones this year as well (IPOs, exciting acquisitions, explosive growth) and we're so grateful and proud to be an instrumental part of your journeys.
We’ll be sprinting into 2022 and bursting at the seams with some crazy ambitious goals, so sit back and enjoy the ride -- you can expect some great things to come out of Gem HQ!

Back to our regularly scheduled programming below: here's what's new in Gem, and as always, chat us in Gem to learn more, ask questions, or share feedback.

Branded email campaigns

Branded email campaigns are now available! Drag and drop your way into creating visually-appealing, engaging newsletters to nurture candidates, send out event invites, and build talent networks. Read more here, and contact your Customer Success Manager to set this up for your team (available to Teams and Enterprise customers).

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Dashboards update

Now available for Lever customers.

We're excited to announce that Lever customers with access to Gem's Pipeline Analytics now also have access to Dashboards: our new place to organize and display important metrics from in configurable widgets. See for yourself at (also in the left navigation in Gem), or let us know if you can't access it and would like a demo.

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More Configuration Options

  • Click on each widget to view more detailed stats

  • Advanced date picker to hone in on specific time periods

  • View each stat in in full detail by selecting "View in Pipeline Analytics" in each widget's menu

We also now support parent-child requisition setups in case that's something your organization uses. Let your Customer Success Manager know if you'd like to get that set up.

SMS has launched

Sending automatic text messages in sequence stages is now available to all on our Teams or Enterprise packages.
Team admins can now head to the Gem admin panel to activate SMS for any individual user on their team. Read more in our help center article on how to get started sending automatic text messages in your outreach.

One-off messaging: SMS and email

Many of you have loved sending 1-off emails from the Gem extension, so you'll be excited to hear that you can now send text messages from the same message window.

Talent Pipeline

To add some extra excitement, for those of you with access to Talent Pipeline, you can now also send 1-off emails or text messages directly from any candidate card:

talent pipe gif

And finally, take a look at our new way of viewing scorecards from Talent Pipeline. Click the "Candidate Details" menu in the upper right to display scorecard breakdowns on each candidate card, and click the scorecard info to view each interviewer's submitted notes:


Coming soon

  • Set Targets in Dashboards: set your own goals on each dashboard widget

  • ATS candidate rediscovery: uncover silver medallists from your ATS in Gem's Prospects

  • Gem Inbox: manage all your text messages with candidates from one place

  • Sourcing on top of Indeed: the Gem extension will soon work on top of Indeed the way it does on LinkedIn, automatically creating candidate profiles and logging all activity between you and the candidate. Let us know if you're interested in trying this out as soon as it's available.

Lastly, as always, we'd love for you to check out our open roles: we're hiring like mad, and we'd love for you so help spread the word.

Thanks for reading, and hope to hear from you soon!


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