
Company News

Gem product update: May 2022

Sarah Koo

Sarah Koo

Head of Product

Posted on

May 31, 2022

We’ve been hard at work this past month adding & improving features to make Gem even more valuable for you. We hope you enjoy these updates as much as we do!

Pipeline Diversity Benchmarks

Do you want to know how the diversity of your recruiting funnel compares to companies or departments of similar sizes and stages as you? Check out the latest update from Talent Compass where you can benchmark your pipeline at application created, offer extended, and hired, broken by either race/ethnicity or gender. Learn more here.*

pipeline diversity

Outreach Stats, Job Req Insights, and Interview Activity in Dashboards

End-to-end reporting just got easier! You can now report on outreach stats right inside Dashboards. On top of that, Talent Compass pulls in job requisition data, allowing you to surface operational insights on active job reqs, interview workload, and scorecards.

outreach stats1

Candidate Rediscovery

[SmartRecruiters & Workday]

Ever wished that you could remember that list of silver medalists? With Candidate Rediscovery now available to customers using SmartRecruiters and Workday, you will be able to search, organize, and re-engage past candidates from your own backyard. Learn more here.

candidate rediscovery 2


Your source of truth across the talent lifecycle

Keyword Search for Past Applicants [Greenhouse]: Gem imports resumes associated with a Greenhouse application, thereby allowing them to be searched from the Full-Text search box in Prospects. What’s more? Full-text resume results are now sorted by relevance helping you find what you need easily. Learn more about searching for prospects.

New Filters for Prospects [Greenhouse]: Quickly filter by source type and gender.

Automated Reports for Talent Pipeline: Keep everyone in the loop with automated emails and Slack messages (to private channel or specific user) of your Talent Pipeline reports.

Redesigned Profile Page: Candidate profiles just got a major facelift with easy viewing of all the key details.

candidate profile

Talent Compass

Insights that help you plan for what’s ahead

Dashboard Home Page Refresh

  • Favorite personal dashes for yourself

  • Favorite team dashes for others to reference

Widget Level Date Ranges: Customizeindividual widgets to represent different time slices within the same dashboard. Check out this quick video to learn more.

Gem Platform

Empower your team to do their best work

HireEZ Integration: The Gem-hireEZ integration combines Gem's powerful CRM with hireEZ's rich candidate data hub and AI sourcing capabilities to create an end-to-end talent acquisition tool. Learn more here.


SuccessFactors Integration

  • Upload candidates from Gem to SuccessFactors - available now!

  • Search, organize, and re-engage past candidates from both SuccessFactors and Gem, from one central place.

  • Dashboards, peer benchmarks, and forecasting, oh my! Use Talent Compass to surface data from across SuccessFactors and Gem to plan for future growth.

As always, we'd love for you to check out our open roles: we're hiring like mad, and we'd love for you to help spread the word.

Thanks for reading, and hope to hear from you soon!

~ Team Gem

*This report is for the sole benefit of our customers and is provided to inform them of how aspects of their recruiting performance compare to their peers, in a variety of dimensions. Nothing in these dashboards should be construed as legal advice. Companies who are concerned about legal risks associated with their recruiting and hiring practices are advised to consult with their attorneys.


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