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Introducing Gem AI Sourcing
Gem AI automates your search across 650+ million profiles to find you the best-matched candidates.
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AI Recruiting Software

Use powerful AI to hire with speed & efficiency

Gem’s suite of AI recruiting solutions helps teams instantly source new talent, review inbound applications, and rediscover past candidates.

AI Hero

The best AI companies recruit with Gem.

Hire top talent quickly to support your aggressive growth goals.

Why customers love Gem AI


Gem AI does not make hiring decisions. We let recruiters decide.


Gem has built-in guardrails to protect against incorrect deductions.

Next-gen technology

Unlike legacy AI vendors that use outdated machine-learning models, Gem uses the latest generative AI, delivering superior performance.

Enterprise-grade compliance

Our platform and compliance framework are reviewed by internal governance and third-party audits to ensure proper security & procedures.

Uncover matches and identify those open to a career change

Use Gem’s AI-powered matching engine to quickly identify candidates similar to your top choices. Gem AI also analyzes candidate profiles for key signals, pinpointing those most likely to be open to new job opportunities

Likely to Move

Use AI to begin your CRM search with confidence

Gem AI helps recruiters find the right talent faster by suggesting search queries based on the relevant skills and experience for each job description.

AI Talent Search

Improve response rates with scalable personalization

Gem AI auto-generates messages with personalized tokens tailored to the unique attributes of each candidate’s profile. Recruiters who use Gem AI see 30-40% improvements in response rates.

AI Sequence

Prioritize inbound applications based on relevant criteria

Find qualified applicants faster with AI-suggested search filters tailored to the specific requirements listed in the job description.

AI App Review

“Gem’s App Review has literally made the inbound process 100x better. It's so easy to filter out unqualified applications, and the resume keyword highlighting is a much-needed relief for my eyes.”

Christine Johny | FreshBooks
Christine JohnyTalent Acquisition Specialist
FreshBooks | Customer Logo

“When I came to Pure Storage and was shown Gem, I immediately thought, Oh, this is a godsend. I no longer had to send follow-ups manually or keep track of whom to follow up with on my own trackers.”

Brian Wilhelm | Pure Storage
Brian WilhelmSenior Technical Sourcer
Pure Storage | Customer Logo
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“Gem seems to have been built intentionally for sourcers and recruiters to not only become more efficient and optimize their top-of-funnel workflow, but also to leverage data and make smarter decisions.”

Joe Gillespie | Robinhood
Joe GillespieRecruiting Leader
Robinhood | Customer Logo
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